You might remember our nurse friend from a post about biros on the 21st of April (and if you don't, you should check it out as it contains important medical information for anyone needing first aid). Anyhow, Giandomenico works in the emergencies unit of the Silvestrini Hospital in Perugia, a sprawling mass of concrete that is getting larger by the minute as it expands to accommodate and replace the old hospital in the centre of town. Yesterday, we nipped over to say hi, or so we thought before we got entangled in the biggest labyrinth (without hedges) that you have ever seen. All the doors that had a "please close" sign were open, all the main doors had no signs at all, and the only information point and reception area that we found was a wooden garden shed, brand-new and empty, sitting along the main road. And so to my point: do nurses use the info-shed to sneak away for a secret, guilt-free mars bar (whilst wearing clingfilm under their overall)?!? and what happens in an emergency?!
spot the shed...
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