Tuesday, July 03, 2007


And in fact the whole of Paris is rather grey and drizzly... so we had to FORCE ourselves to do the sales!!

After that, the twelfth meeting of the Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice (SBSTTA 12) to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) -- che?! -- started and I have since been wondering why the French prefer to have no soap (or dense liquid stuff coming from the hot tap) but plenty of condom vending machines in the toilets, and hot chocolate in lieu of cappuccino in the drinks machine?!

Sais pas moi...

Gangsters at the metro exit.

France Telecom antenna.

The girls with some French woman.

1 comment:

Marc Clanet said...

Condom vending machine vs soap : actually, French know pretty well Italian girls and are aware they always have their "fanny soaps" with them (see a number of your posts...), but are not this sure they can face every situation...

But actually, this is Paris... In Toulouse, we generally provide both soap and condoms... :-)