Wednesday, April 26, 2006

On the night of the football evening, where the girls were not invited, Federico decided Federica should go, so I got taken along too to make up the numbers. I nearly abdicated before dinner as the prospected of getting my head blasted in (again) at the taverne di Castiglione del Lago was tough, but I stuck in there and managed to make the most of it. After several rounds of pici al ragu, I borrowed someones “Si” moped and raced up and down the main street. I thought the highlight was realising how shocked everyone was that I would actually do that… but then I got the boys from the team to show me their underwear!!

Castiglione del Lago football team
La squadra!

Gian Luca
L'allenatore - prima.

Gian Luca - dopo le birre
L'allenatore - dopo.

The girls
Le fans - durante.

Fedy with Falcon
Meet a new friend.

me on si
Me on Si.

knicker men
Portatori di boxers fashion.

Traditional knickers.

Groovy knickers.

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