Loulou of course! And she did not arrive alone. By mid December, mate had acquired Flybaboo shares and got herself, Laurine and the wheels down to Florence. And so it was that we drove off into the night with a family size pack of M&Ms and lots of chit chatting. By the following day, having slipped down the lop-sided bed during the night, the girls were ready for a full round of baking (more mince pies!!), shopping (no woolly jumper...), visiting (here and there and Perugia), drawing (including a portrait of Bean in Tummy), painting (on the kitchen floor), building (such as Christmas tree birds with Matteo and Simone) and lots more.
Our photographer focused on the inbred locals, using us as props.
Lovely weather, warm, sunny, no wind...
And they managed to avoid slapping each other too hard.
Disappearing into the sofa.
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