So I located the chocolate.
So I went beserk.
So I am now full of spots.
So that should not hurt!
Before and after being in the sun (yep, ate the melted one too!!)
Before and after being eaten by wolves.
We trekked like crazy to contain calorie storage induced by chocolate. But little did we know that the elements would be out against us en force and that we would get dramatically lost every single time we left the hotel...
On the first day, in Norcia, we could not even manage to locate the tourist information centre or the Casa del Parco - the main national parks office. It had been moved and not even the Police knew where to send us.
When we found a board indicated a loop walk around town, we decided to go for it, believing (foolishly) that there would be signs all the way.
By the third junction, and still on the main road, we decided to do it the Italian way and get back in the car and go for a drive...
Viva il Terremoto. Totally redone and lovely too. Cresci was our first stop. Then we went on to Presci and visited a few other nice little villages. The Monte Sibillini National Park is full of roads but has great views and stunning landscapes.
On day two, we go so totally lost that we ended up having to scramble up some woody mountain in an attempt to find Pian Grande (which, as its name indicates, is supposed to be pretty big...)
Singing in the rain over Pian Grande.
This is the Casa del Parco of Castelluccio di Norcia, one of the places people drive from miles to visit. The main parks office is basically a pile of rubbish. I am ashamed. National Parks should represent the best spots of a country...
After being hailstoned on the previous day, we decided to take the morning easy before going on another trek, so we visited Santa Rita of Cascia. An experience...
Brilliantly modern.
Then we went on another long hike which was supposed to take us on a loop round a mountain. We got to the top, enjoyed fantastic views, then tried to find our way round. We climbed and climbed and climbed. By 16.30, totally lost and completely sodden, we had to turn back and dash down the way we came, before dark.
Looking at map somewhere up some mountain.
Getting lost and wet enforced the feeling of being out of this world for 4 days. Rushes of adrenaline, smiles and endorphines all contributed to a great mini-break!
Now back in Cortona, Spring is here with its swallows and flowers.
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