On the way to work the other day a buzzard pounced on a viper and dragged it up in the air. On the way back it was raining and I managed to squash a toad. There were lots of them sitting in the road and I was trying to avoid them without loosing control of the pimp-mobile.
Global destruction.
No frogs, no snakes but plenty of daffodils (surely, February is a little early, even for Tuscany?). Having wiped the border of wildlife, I decided it was time to take the bull by the horns and weed out the person responsible for recycling. Did I mention somewhere that I am fed up of composting in my mini flat only to find that the container always contains a mixture of rubbish?
Mission failed. He was out - again.
Stay posted, he is not going to get away with it that lightly! Maybe I could organise for that viper to land in his office?
Daffodils grow well on compost.
Santa Maria Nuova is old, wrinkly and beautiful.
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