Sunday, February 25, 2007


Cinzia left Lorenzo to debate the value of blood diamonds and came with us to empty the oceans of fish in the geriatric Curling Cafe (welcome back to Geneva Cris!). From there we bounced for coffee and a shave in Gilette's new cantine with Freda.

La Madre, Fox and Alyssa made treacle tart in Collex to lure us back before surprising Robi and Nath - or should I say before driving round the block for ages looking for a parking spot.

The "apero-dinatoire" set the style for the rest of the weekend since it rained and poured and there was no way we could have skied... so we partied our socks off instead. Poulettes au rendez-vous! Pizza (no fondue :-( to Cristian's relief) and SIP.

Croco brunch with the Friedbacher-Foxes, cakes at Val's new pad (mum was let out of the garage to pasture the horse in the garden - dont ask me if I was on acid!), the usual unusual Sunday Dinner at Pasinis and it was time to bid farewell.

Until next time!

Thierry and Michela
Thierry and Michela before the big debate against Val and JP on Pizzokkel vs Pizzokkery

Cri and Sandra
Sandra looking swish in pink

Mimiche et Val
Mais yes bichette, faut ouvrir les yeux poussin ;-)

Laetitia and Mark
Me souviens plus, y'avait une histoire de chat?

Olivia and Mimiche
Meme pas peur!!

Musee d histoire naturelle
The crocodile was no longer there at the Musee d Histoire Naturelle de Geneve so Alyssa decided to knock a tooth out to entertain us... Here featured with Zoe and friends.

Friday, February 23, 2007


Or was it that Bush is a beaver?

It was swimming in a pond amidst the fields oblivious of the sniffer dog straining on the lead trying to get to it. One false movement by the intrepid walker and it dived for cover.

No pics. Only butterflies and lots of mud...

Thursday, February 22, 2007


Most people use their 4x4 SUVs to go to the supermarket. I disagree. I use Cristian's to roll down hills. Whilst the Dickinson family checked out the house of their dreams, I reversed down the narrow drive, only to feel the car tipping dangerously towards the cliff... In true British fashion, Mr Dickinson strolled over and suggested I drive my three remaining wheels forwards rather than back.

It took several men, many logs and a huge plank to get the car back on the flat. So much for 4x4 - next time I might stick to supermarkets!

Mr Dickinson and a 3-wheeled RAV4
Somehow this pictures does not show that I was really about to tip over.

Thursday, February 15, 2007


On the way to work the other day a buzzard pounced on a viper and dragged it up in the air. On the way back it was raining and I managed to squash a toad. There were lots of them sitting in the road and I was trying to avoid them without loosing control of the pimp-mobile.

Global destruction.

No frogs, no snakes but plenty of daffodils (surely, February is a little early, even for Tuscany?). Having wiped the border of wildlife, I decided it was time to take the bull by the horns and weed out the person responsible for recycling. Did I mention somewhere that I am fed up of composting in my mini flat only to find that the container always contains a mixture of rubbish?

Mission failed. He was out - again.
Stay posted, he is not going to get away with it that lightly! Maybe I could organise for that viper to land in his office?

Daffodils grow well on compost.

Santa Maria Nuova is old, wrinkly and beautiful.

Thursday, February 08, 2007


Whenever I meet up with Federica I always end up lost in the hills on either side of Perugia. Last night I was supposed to turn at the pigsty. It was pitch black. All buildings looked the same and there was no smell... so I ended up not seeing the turing and driving for ever to eventually end up in Elce where Federica found me frazzled. (Should I mention that the petrol pumps are all closed as there is a strike so it did seem like the best of times to accelerate round the country in my small car).

From Elce we went to Bastia and met up with Gabriella and her new camera. The restaurant was called Ciliegie&Pane. Never go there. It was terrible.

Since there were no cherries in sight, Gabriella decided to make some by flashing her digital into our eyes. The results are below!

Far from full. The salads never arrived, but we were asked if we wanted them after the desert. The wine on the other hand came with the coffee...

Too much pepper?

Tightly shut to shield from the flash.

Friday, February 02, 2007


Cristian's official birthday party (Saturday and Sunday) dragged on and became a footballers frenzy. On Thursday they gathered in hoards to celebrate -- or just to gather in hoards. From an initial group of 20 they ended up being 36. Breathe in. Imagine how many onions need dicing to feed 36? How many eggs need beating? Tins greasing? I have become a hybrid between Rocky Balboa (for the arm muscles resulting from cooking) and La Fee du Logis (from cleaning up afterwards). I gather it was well worth it though. Cristian did not manage to make it back to Cortona but stayed at the Lago. I on the other hand had a splendid evening out with Giorgio and Federica in the Relais Borgo Brufa, a charming spot.

Mine looked a lot nicer than that of course!!