Cinzia left Lorenzo to debate the value of blood diamonds and came with us to empty the oceans of fish in the geriatric Curling Cafe (welcome back to Geneva Cris!). From there we bounced for coffee and a shave in Gilette's new cantine with Freda.
La Madre, Fox and Alyssa made treacle tart in Collex to lure us back before surprising Robi and Nath - or should I say before driving round the block for ages looking for a parking spot.
The "apero-dinatoire" set the style for the rest of the weekend since it rained and poured and there was no way we could have skied... so we partied our socks off instead. Poulettes au rendez-vous! Pizza (no fondue :-( to Cristian's relief) and SIP.
Croco brunch with the Friedbacher-Foxes, cakes at Val's new pad (mum was let out of the garage to pasture the horse in the garden - dont ask me if I was on acid!), the usual unusual Sunday Dinner at Pasinis and it was time to bid farewell.
Until next time!
Thierry and Michela before the big debate against Val and JP on Pizzokkel vs Pizzokkery
Sandra looking swish in pink
Mais yes bichette, faut ouvrir les yeux poussin ;-)
Me souviens plus, y'avait une histoire de chat?
Meme pas peur!!
The crocodile was no longer there at the Musee d Histoire Naturelle de Geneve so Alyssa decided to knock a tooth out to entertain us... Here featured with Zoe and friends.