Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Remember to say “rabbit” tomorrow!
Or was it “rabbits”?
Yesterday, I popped by to Nonna Bianca’s house as she had to give me some documents for the bank. She told me that she was not available when Cristian called because she had been taken out by her son to pluck chickens… as you do on a Sunday!
We got chatting and I was trying to find some innovative idea for the Hotel Santa Lucia that we are trying to sell or do something with. Since she always makes good cakes and likes to talk about them a lot, I wondered about opening a bakery. It takes Bianca 30 minutes per cake, she gets up at 5am and goes to bed at 8pm. Give her an hours lunch break, that makes 14 hours, the equivalent of 28 cakes. Add to that the fact that one cake cost me 29 euro here in Cortona… well, I think we have a business idea!
… and, she gets her eggs from the neighbour, in exchange for killing his rabbits… told you it was the theme of the month ;-)

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