Don’t you sometimes wonder about the meaning behind the strangest things? I occasionally do, but then the phone rings, or an email arrives, or the pasta boils over, so if you thought this was going to be the first of a series of introspective blogs, you are wrong!!
I am madly trying to catch up with a bit of work after a fab few days spent with the Des PAZ, so why, you are wondering, am I waving a syringe around the room?, what does that have to do with work? Ask Dell about refill cartridges and then we can discuss it…
So, where was I, yes, foooooooddd. Not had one about food for a while have we? Our waistlines can certainly tell the difference after the Cortona feeding frenzy though. Good job the baby phone covered quite a large range of places to go and nibble whilst Laurine was dreaming of her next ice cream. The Grotta saw us a couple of times, as did the Antica Trattoria, yum. In Siena though we avoided the pizzas on the main square – yes, the young Roberto did try to throw one at the waiter out there, so we went incognito instead and had take away by the roman fountain.
In the meantime, we tried innovative carrying methods, as in the case of Alyssa, and synchronized mouth-spoon-opening exercises with Laurine and Alex. Isabelle happily looked on, dreaming of her next tartufo dish.
Now tell me, who on earth would take their Swiss relatives to Eurochocolate in Perugia?
Nobody could figure out why he wore sandals when it was autumn...
Laurine and Alex doing the mouth-spoon-food sync.
Alyssa in true vintage gear.
Bistecca alla Fiorentina, bone an all, at La Grotta.
Matteo Giardini taking the girls out in his car.
Alyssa goes carbon neutral.
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