30 June minus 4 May, equals, sorry sorry, what on earth happened to the blog situation? Have we now lost all our fans????? Flagellation for the inconsiderate me, not even finding time to do some minor updates…
How to capture main points without boring the hell out of you, don’t quite know.
But, we are now in the land of 100Mbps, which means we have upgraded from the phone line!
In the meantime, I have been working – hurray!!!
Check out Italy’s Environment Minister below, at the event I organised in Montecatini Terme, and before that a great picture of Xenya with fashionable Italian sunglasses.
Then there was some writing for a consultancy in Florence, and soon there will be a trip to Egypt to ponder air pollution problems… Man, the world has gone mad.
Before that there was a visit from Rolf and a medieval evening in Bevagna.
Cynthia and Lorenzo came out for a long weekend including Florence, shopping and the weirdest cafe latte you have ever seen.
We had dinner with Cece, whom we met in the Galapagos, and her daughter Laura, then, later, gelato in Cortona with Cece and Jack.
On the more important side of things, I have discovered that Cristian’s aunt makes the best pizza on the surface of the planet.
Check out her agritourismo below.
What else, there have been plenty of men in tights throwing flags around these past few weeks - girls, you would have loved it!!!
Coming up we have Luca’s stag night and Caipiriniah for Fox’s B-day, so more soon.
Tamas giving the MiniMat the slap he deserved.
Did I mention that I got the best birthday cake ever whilst on a birthday minibreak in Geneva?
Man in tights are the fashion.
Cynthia in Florence trying to figure out what to do with a glass of milk sprinkled with ground coffee.
Cristian and the girls (Cece and her daughter Laura) in front of the Scale di Sant'Ercolano, Perugia.
Xenya in glasses.
The view of Cortona from Gabolandia.
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