Monday, December 17, 2007


ohhhhh goshhhhhh!!!!!! now what?????

I have just had to maneuver a freshly-frozen pheasant into the freezer. its legs were sticking out and i could actually feel its wings. its head and beak were on the left-hand side as i pressed it diagonally into the last level of the freezer. no, the rack would not come out far enough for me to simply drop it in there, i actually had to press it in. and then the next thing i know, as i am frantically trying to put the shelf back in place, the amaro bottle has jammed underneath it, so i have to repeat the operation again, jiggling the bottle from beneath the bird.

now i feel like i might actually need to down the contents of the bottle to stop myself from wanting to throw up...

(for the practical details, Gian-Carlo - on of the owners of the restaurant downstairs and a keen hunter - gave me the bird because Cristian gave him a sausage). is there anything else i can add??

The ultimate aim...

Thursday, December 13, 2007


In comparison, the projectile vomiting skills of Linda Blair who played the child in "The Exorcist" or Monty Python's Mr Creosote are unremarkable. I would have won an award this week as I dashed desperately up and down the living room, unable to reach the bathroom before the worst happened...

Who said that tummy bugs were fun? I would just add that being is sick is great for the abs :)