From there we could see far...
Thursday, March 29, 2007
Monday, March 26, 2007
I was partying away, oblivious that only a few minutes later, my super-dooper-no-straps-no-backs bra was about to take on a life of its own. First it felt like it had decided to move down towards my tummy button, then, in a flash, it started moving vertically. The next thing I knew, I had one boob on my right shoulder, the other under my left armpit and my two real ones bouncing around to the disco beats...
The next question is: how are you supposed to get a grasp on the silicone and stick it back in place without anyone noticing?
It was a bit like trying to leap on a fish that you have just hauled out of the pond and that has every intention of not doing as you would wish. They squealed and squelched, refusing to stick or stay in place.
A trip to the ladies ensued.
To my huge disappointment, the result was far from long-lasting.
By the end of the night I seriously contemplated telling everyone they were the new ashtrays. Shame Italy passed that law last year, or else I would have!

Rabbit ears? No, what men should never see!
I was partying away, oblivious that only a few minutes later, my super-dooper-no-straps-no-backs bra was about to take on a life of its own. First it felt like it had decided to move down towards my tummy button, then, in a flash, it started moving vertically. The next thing I knew, I had one boob on my right shoulder, the other under my left armpit and my two real ones bouncing around to the disco beats...
The next question is: how are you supposed to get a grasp on the silicone and stick it back in place without anyone noticing?
It was a bit like trying to leap on a fish that you have just hauled out of the pond and that has every intention of not doing as you would wish. They squealed and squelched, refusing to stick or stay in place.
A trip to the ladies ensued.
To my huge disappointment, the result was far from long-lasting.
By the end of the night I seriously contemplated telling everyone they were the new ashtrays. Shame Italy passed that law last year, or else I would have!
Rabbit ears? No, what men should never see!
Sunday, March 25, 2007
Somewhere down the night line, the time switched and I lost the hour I was going to use to go to Torrita di Siena to see the Palio dei Somari. Huge disappointment. I cannot believe I am going to have to wait another year for this... On the up side, I might get to the birthday party on time. Like kiddies, we have been invited to a Sunday afternoon party. I hope their will be fairy cakes with smarties on them ;-)

Not my picture...
Somewhere down the night line, the time switched and I lost the hour I was going to use to go to Torrita di Siena to see the Palio dei Somari. Huge disappointment. I cannot believe I am going to have to wait another year for this... On the up side, I might get to the birthday party on time. Like kiddies, we have been invited to a Sunday afternoon party. I hope their will be fairy cakes with smarties on them ;-)
Not my picture...
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
It looked like a black bin liner being pushed across the road by the wind. Cristian's car swayed to avoid it, I steer to take a look. There was no wind, there was no rubbish, it was a purcupine!
My first - the one I spotted from Luca's car and that had me screaming "watch out, there is a pig crossing the road" does not count - and it was immediately followed by a second one, further up the hill towards Cortona.
At the top, an otter popped out from under a bush. I felt like I did not belong with my huge car!
It looked like a black bin liner being pushed across the road by the wind. Cristian's car swayed to avoid it, I steer to take a look. There was no wind, there was no rubbish, it was a purcupine!
My first - the one I spotted from Luca's car and that had me screaming "watch out, there is a pig crossing the road" does not count - and it was immediately followed by a second one, further up the hill towards Cortona.
At the top, an otter popped out from under a bush. I felt like I did not belong with my huge car!
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
Three is the lucky number is it? So why is it that after the cipress and the oak, Cris managed to reverse back into an olive tree and do in the back bumper that he had just had repaired? I think the trees around here sway to the rythm of the wind and move into car's trajectory...
Maybe getting a car filled with sensors and gadgets, like Marco Clanet, is not such a bad idea after all?

Yes, it moved...
Three is the lucky number is it? So why is it that after the cipress and the oak, Cris managed to reverse back into an olive tree and do in the back bumper that he had just had repaired? I think the trees around here sway to the rythm of the wind and move into car's trajectory...
Maybe getting a car filled with sensors and gadgets, like Marco Clanet, is not such a bad idea after all?
Yes, it moved...
Monday, March 05, 2007
Una cosa rimane nell'incertezza: di chi saranno stati quei occhiali lasciati in terra, storti, vicino alla maxi buca scavata dal Pastore Argentino che ogni tanto salta la ringhiera per strappare le orecchie ai cani randagi del quartiere?
La serata di sabato non ha portata nessuna risposta. Sappiamo pero che le ciaccine di Gabriella sono FAVOLOSE, che Paolo porta magliettine usa e getta, e che il vincitore del San Remo music festival 2007 è un tipo schizofrenico che pensa di chiamarsi Biagio e che gira con una sedia gialla...
Ma Gennaro in tutto cio? Sarà il caso di chiamare "Chi l'ha visto".

Il Festival di San Remo fa dormire, ma sopratutto spaventa. Baudo con la sua colla da dentiera non ha fatto altro che assillare le povere ospiti terrorizzate.


The cook.
Una cosa rimane nell'incertezza: di chi saranno stati quei occhiali lasciati in terra, storti, vicino alla maxi buca scavata dal Pastore Argentino che ogni tanto salta la ringhiera per strappare le orecchie ai cani randagi del quartiere?
La serata di sabato non ha portata nessuna risposta. Sappiamo pero che le ciaccine di Gabriella sono FAVOLOSE, che Paolo porta magliettine usa e getta, e che il vincitore del San Remo music festival 2007 è un tipo schizofrenico che pensa di chiamarsi Biagio e che gira con una sedia gialla...
Ma Gennaro in tutto cio? Sarà il caso di chiamare "Chi l'ha visto".
Il Festival di San Remo fa dormire, ma sopratutto spaventa. Baudo con la sua colla da dentiera non ha fatto altro che assillare le povere ospiti terrorizzate.
The cook.
Sunday, March 04, 2007
Should you be looking for a fun architect to renovate your property or simply to build your dream from scratch, you might like to check out Marco Carlini: Don't miss the bits of poetry throughout the site and most specifically on the pool section!

Marco is stuggling with his rabbits' sexual life and is still unsure which is female and which isn't... Good job there was no mention of him being a vet.
Should you be looking for a fun architect to renovate your property or simply to build your dream from scratch, you might like to check out Marco Carlini: Don't miss the bits of poetry throughout the site and most specifically on the pool section!
Marco is stuggling with his rabbits' sexual life and is still unsure which is female and which isn't... Good job there was no mention of him being a vet.
Thursday, March 01, 2007
Somewhere along the line pink stone was made to create Assisi. Then the earthquake came, followed by the scaffolding and builders. At a later stage, this Monday, the town was again hit by a series of tremors.
I was the only tourist walking around (unbelievable) and most importantly, the only one in high heels.
After a while, parking at one end of town and walking back to the Basilica di San Francesco started to make less and less sense...

Unaware of what was to come, Assisi lay calmly under the sunset.

The Basilica was left unscathed by the clomping vibrations.
Somewhere along the line pink stone was made to create Assisi. Then the earthquake came, followed by the scaffolding and builders. At a later stage, this Monday, the town was again hit by a series of tremors.
I was the only tourist walking around (unbelievable) and most importantly, the only one in high heels.
After a while, parking at one end of town and walking back to the Basilica di San Francesco started to make less and less sense...
Unaware of what was to come, Assisi lay calmly under the sunset.
The Basilica was left unscathed by the clomping vibrations.