There were blokes, straight ones at that, proudly wearing t-shirts with “RW” printed on the front, back, arm, etc. I just sat there and gazed. Watching Robbie Williams from the top of San Siro was an out-of-this-world experience. The whole stadium was moving, not just the people, the actual concrete structure too – and all that for one little bloke! Wow.
Other endeavours during that time included bird-spotting and Mexican food on Corso Como (cranes and flamingos mostly – i.e. models) with Sabrina and Andrea who also put us up in their flat in San Donato after having taken us to the Navigli to check out huge plastic lemons. On Saturday we were moved from Hotel Ariston (the ecological one – “that means no toilet roll,” said Lynda) to Hotel Mentana (plenty of air con to contrast the 40 degree outside – I will plant a tree to compensate) in time for the arrival of Cynthia and Laurent who miraculously managed to get from the train station to the hotel in under two hours. From there we literally shopped until we dropped, saw the lady at the table behind us get her bag snatched, walked past a punch up in the Arab areas, then dashed to the concert.
Sunday involved surviving mayonnaise sandwiches – that was at 3am but Italians are experts in preservatives, so there were no real fears; watching Cristian and Cynthia fall asleep over a cocktail – that was 3.30am; making a racket at breakfast – 10.29am; out in the heat again and training home in time to find that the guard dog who was in heat had been let out and had spent the afternoon with the small black thing of the opposite sex. Anyone want a puppy?...

The Duomo is being cleaned. By the time they have finished the second part, it will be time to redo the first bit...

Andrea and Sabrina at the Mexican restaurant on Corso Como.

Whip me in front of the lemon.

Cinzia e Lorenzo dealing with the heat.

He was down there somewhere!

It only took the pina colada to arrive for Cristian to wake up.